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North Natomas Little League

Welcome to North Natomas Little League. Practices begin the week of 2/15.

Accident Reporting Procedures

Any incident that causes any player, manager, coach, umpire or volunteer to receive medical treatment and/or first aid must be reported to the Safety Officer. This includes even passive treatments such as the evaluation and diagnosis of the extent of the injury or period of rest. Any player who, in the opinion of an umpire, coach or manager, suffers loss of consciousness or memory loss due to an accident should be immediately removed from the game and the parents or guardians advised to seek a medical evaluation immediately.

All such incidents described above must be reported to the Safety Officer within 48 hours of the incident, at [email protected]

Reporting incidents can come in a variety of forms. Most typically they are telephone calls or emails. In order to maintain documentation of the incident, using our secure, web-based injury reporting form is the preferred method. At minimum, the following information must be provided:

  • The name and number of the individual involved
  • The date, time and location of the incident
  • As detailed a description of the incident as possible
  • The preliminary estimation of the extent of injuries
  • The name and phone number of the person reporting the incident

Within 48 hours of receiving the incident report, the Safety Officer will contact the injured party or the party's parents and:

  • Verify the information received
  • Obtain any other information deemed necessary
  • Check on the status of the injured party
  • In the event that the injured party required other medical treatment, will advise the parent or guardian of North Natomas Little League's insurance coverage and the provisions for submitting any claims
  • Complete and file an Incident/Injury Tracking Form and/or an Accident Notification Form, if medical treatment was sought. 


Returning from Injury

Any player who is removed from a game due to injury and who receives professional medical treatment will not be able to return to baseball activities until a doctor's note releasing the player has been submitted to the Safety Officer. A copy of the doctor's note can be emailed to [email protected]



If an athlete is suspected to have possibly suffered a concussion during a game or practice, the player must be removed from action and medical attention shall be sought. Managers and coaches should never try to judge the severity of the injury themselves. The athlete should be kept out of play for the remainder of the day of the injury and until a health care professional, experienced in evaluating for concussions, states that the player is symptom-free and it is OK to return to action. A copy of the doctor's note can be emailed to [email protected].

Prior to each new season, all parents/legal guardians are required to submit a signed, Parent/Athlete Concussion Information Sheet before the athlete can participate.


North Natomas Little League's "Hydration Education" Program

Proper hydration and heat illness are very important topics for all coaches and parents to understand. 

All Little League parents/legal guardians are required to submit a signed Hydration Education Parent/Athlete Attestation Form, acknowledging their understanding of the NNLL Hydration Education Program.

North Natomas Little League will issue heat alerts on days when the Heat Index is expected to reach the "Extreme Caution" threshold.

On these days, which will be called "Hydration Education" days, the league will send out email/social media/text messages at the beginning of the day reminding players to properly hydrate before the start of that day's game or practice. Sign up for "Extreme Caution" heat alerts here.

Parents are encouraged to teach their children to take responsibility for their own hydration routine.

For more information about North Natomas Little League's Hydration Education Program, click here.


Background Checks for all Volunteers

North Natomas Little League requires and conducts nationwide background checks (through the U.S. Department of Justice) on managers, coaches, team parents, board members and any other persons or volunteers who provide regular service to the league and/or have access to, or contact with, players or teams. These individuals are required to complete and submit a volunteer application form each calendar year. 

The background check must be submitted with a copy of a government-issued photo identification card, such as a driver’s license. Anyone refusing to submit an application is ineligible to be a league member. North Natomas Little League partners with JDP for background checks, which requires all volunteers to provide their Social Security number (on the secure, online volunteer application form). The league enters each SSN into the secure JDP database and retains a copy of the volunteer form for the current year of service only. At the end of each calendar year, the electronic volunteer forms are safely destroyed.


Annual First Aid Training

At least one representative (either a manager or coach) from each team is required to attend our certified First Aid Training course each year. Umpires are also invited and encouraged to attend.

Even though the First Aid Training qualifies the volunteer for three years, one team representative is still required to attend each year. Managers/coaches who have taken a first aid course and are still current can forego the First Aid Training by providing the league with a copy of the certification (e.g., BLS or CPR certification).


Little League Safety Ideas (Database of National Best Practices)

Want to make sure you're following the safest practices on the field? Check out this easy-to-search booklet containing hundreds of safety ideas from leagues across the country. You'll find safety tips related to activities, equipment use, facilities, and more.

Contact Us

North Natomas Little League

2701 Del Paso Road, Suite 130-262
Sacramento, California 95834

Email: [email protected]

North Natomas Little League

2701 Del Paso Road, Suite 130-262
Sacramento, California 95834

Email: [email protected]
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